

Corrupt a wish game!

Granted but in return, they recreated us just to be their soldiers, like Kamen Riders / Masked Riders.

I wish that everyone who AMERICANizes Kamen Riders, Ultramans, Metal Heroes & Super Sentais must die for they're murdering those original creations!!!

Title Screen.png

I may not use this old title screen because I've made another one, but it's on the works right now... consult my sig for its new logo.

rate the above person's signiture

Just links, 5/10 for a textual sig. 9/10 for the game being promoted :D

The Person Above You!

This guy's is in denial stage that's why he kept saying "iamnot" thrice.

I attempted to watch that "H" twice, namely the Baldr Force EXE & "Age of Black"

The Person Above You!

Yup! I am an anime fan :D

A musical genre that can be associated with Morbid Angel, or some other rock bands.

Corrupt a wish game!

Well, you randomly wished for a motorcycle loaded with micro-nuclear bombs in it!

I wish for a high-end 3D RPG Maker that welcomes RGSS1, RGSS2, Python and C++!

Corrupt a wish game!

Granted but it turned out to be an unlicensed mobile phone made in China!

I wish that I had a PSP and a software that plays RMXP & RMVX games :D

rate the above person's signiture

A 10-point free verse poem!

What comes to mind from the username above you?

Greek Alphabet. I wished I should have used Faiz (Phi) or Psyga, but I really have "hug" my fave secret original character.

Annoying Ruts

One of my biggest annoying ruts are spriting battlers and tilesets. I was trying to go "original" but it turned out that I still need to make use of others' graphical resources